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Ceres FieldCheck

Svyatoslav Gusev, Poojitha Reddy Nellipudi, Hruthik Chindam
#crowdfunding #2025
Frankfurt School of Finance & Management

84% of small-scale farmers worldwide produce 1/3rd of the world's food. But do they earn 
enough to feed themselves?  
Weeds and diseases cause up to 60% of agricultural losses. They devastate crops, forcing 
farmers to burn fields. Small farmers rely on labor and excessive chemicals, making farming 
Ceres FieldCheck helps small farmers with AI-powered Swarm Robots by inspecting crop 
health and removing harmful weeds. Our goal is to keep the world's fields healthy.  

Small farmers lack access to modern technology, as existing companies focus on large 
farms. We bridge this gap with Luke, our compact robot designed for small farms: 

●  Removes weeds via a wheel-integrated mechanism 
●  Inspects crop health using AI 
●  Collaborates with other robots using swarm intelligence for scalability 

We are raising €10,000 where €5,000 will fund the prototype development, and €5,000 will 
support pilot testing on a farm in Germany. With a Letter of Intent from DLG, we aim to 
validate our technology. After the trials, we’ll need another €10,000 to produce the robot and 
begin testing in India, where we have received LOIs from GiZ and others for support in 
regions where small farms need it the most. 

We empower small farmers by increasing their profits by 26% and reducing 30% of 
chemicals promoting sustainable agriculture worldwide. 

We’re putting everything into this dream. Your support will allow us to complete this robot, 
designed to help the smallest farmers first, to feed those who feed the world.  


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