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About us

General information about the initiative itself
and its various offers in English

Hessen Ideen ("Hesse Ideas")

“Hessen Ideen”, which one could translate with “Hesse Ideas”, is an initiative of the state of Hesse, as well as Hessian universities and companies under the patronage of the Hessian Ministry of Science and Research, Arts and Culture. 

The initiative started in 2016 and is coordinated by two Hessian universities, namely University of Kassel and Technical University Darmstadt, and their transfer and start-up agencies – UniKasselTransfer, University of Kassel, and HIGHEST, TU Darmstadt.

Hessen Ideen aims to discover and promote entrepreneurial ideas at universities with the following offers:

  • Scholarship 
  • Competition
  • Crowdfunding
  • University Network 

Hessen Ideen Scholarship 

The Hessen Ideen Scholarship is a six-month scholarship program for university members or graduates who are in an early phase of developing an innovative, knowledge-based, entrepreneurial business idea. The teams are supported in the transition from an initial entrepreneurial idea to a validated business idea with financial support of up to 2,500 euros per month and an accelerator program, which consists of workshops and coaching.

Hessen Ideen Competition

Every year, the Hessen Ideen Competition selects the best ideas from Hessian universities. The universities are called upon to nominate up to three of their strongest ideas. The competition is aimed at university members from all Hessian universities who have an affinity for start-ups and are still at an early stage. The winner will receive 10,000 euros.

Hessen Ideen Crowdfunding 

With the Hessen Ideen Crowdfunding, start-up ideas from Hessian universities are supported in raising financial resources from the crowd. They also receive co-funding and advice on the development of their campaign. Each round, the focus lies on a different field or industry, e.g. on “food, farming and agriculture” in 2024. 

Hessen Ideen University Network 

Within the Hessen Ideen University Network, the start-up agencies of the Hessian universities work hand in hand to be able to offer founders a wide range of services. 

For more information, please contact:
Annika Strauss
Head of Project Management “Hessen Ideen”
info(at)hessen-ideen.de or strauss(at)hessen-ideen.de

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