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Heiler by NatureAalay

EBS Universität für Wirtschaft und Recht

Ayush Baid
#wettbewerb #2022
EBS Universität für Wirtschaft und Recht

Have you ever searched for something which is completely healthy and I don't mean something which you just adjust with because you know you will not find anything that is completely healthy and has the same sparkling taste right from the first sip. We got that covered for you, we have made a product with the knowledge which was between us for a long yet it was hidden. We have used the Ayurvedic knowledge and create a product which will cover all of this. A product with medicinal properties which will help you not only recover from a hangover but also serious problems like acidity, severe headache, body and muscle pain, common cold and cough to name a few. And these are not only just on paper we have been encouraged patients to try this and it has been working on them, even in Germany a mentor tried the product and she has reduced the usage of painkillers and coffee from daily consumption. The product is made naturally made by blending herbs and spices, we also made sure that it only contains natural sugars only, so it completely safe for diabetic patients also. Other than that it is vegan and consumable by children also. We solve three major problems: 1. Alternate to caffeinated drinks 2. Consumable for children 3. Can be used for all temperatures, that is either consumed as hot tea or as an iced beverage. Heiler,An addiction, your doctor recommends. Reach out to us to know more about the product and test it on your own. Vote us to see us changing lives for a better future.


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